Category: News

The dangers of loud music

How can high-volume sound cause hearing loss? The way we hear sound involves an intricate series of physical, chemical and electrical activity within our ears. An integral part of our ability to hear lies...

The science of anger.

How does this primal emotion override our normal thought processes? As far as we know, anger is one of the oldest and most primitive forms of emotion. It is believed to have been hard-wired...

How to spot bad science

Call out those crazy claims with our quick guide to fake facts 1. Resist clickbait Outrageous headlines get clicks, but the articles underneath don’t always back up the claims. It’s hard to summarise science...

How not to fall for April Fools 2020

Are you tired of waking up on 1 April and being sucked into an April Fools prank, or getting hoodwinked with a vaguely plausible ‘fact’? Then arm yourself with knowledge and trounce those tricksters....

The How It Works Collection

Check out the latest editions of our bookazine collection now available How It Works Annual 2019 In the How It Works Annual, you’ll find a myth-busting special where we explore some of the most...