Category: Science

Useless Body Parts: Vestigial organs

Why have humans and other animals stopped using certain organs and functions which were once crucial for survival? Charles Darwin is one of history’s most famous naturalists. Living in the 19th century, he became...

The human body: What are electrolytes?

Image source: Pixabay We need these tiny ions to keep our muscles and nerves moving Our bodies are huge biochemical batteries, and to keep our nerves firing, our muscles moving and our hearts beating,...

Cleaning the Blood: How does dialysis work?

Dialysis machines are artificial kidneys, keeping the blood clean when the kidneys fail The kidneys have lots of jobs, but one of the most important is keeping the blood clean. Packed inside these bean-shaped...

Are we still evolving?

Have culture and technology stopped evolution in its tracks? Every human alive today can trace their ancestry back to east Africa around 200,000 years ago – DNA from a single woman still exists in...