It’s all about the mind and body… with Brain Games!

Brain Games, television, Jason SIlva, mixed martial arts, brain, science

This week the brain shares the limelight with the body. Instead of just focusing on the brain and its reaction to outside influences, it’s time for us all to take a good strong look inside.

Our minds and bodies are connected in countless ways, with the mind controlling all functions and the body constantly reminding the brain of its limitations. Your mind can be your body’s best or worst friend, sometimes convincing you that yes, you can go that extra mile on the treadmill, or you can eat that cheesecake in its entirety. But in reality how strong is this connection?

On this week’s episode ‘Mind Your Body’ you’ll see two professional mixed martial arts fighters challenged like never before, and even have a chance to go head-to-head with them. You’ll also learn a little secret about your body’s reaction time that could help you earn some extra cash. Get ready to wrap your brains around your body on Brain Games!

Now, when shocked or surprised do you run away or stand your ground? Do you flight or fright? Take a look at the below sneak peak clip to witness some hilarious reactions and learn the fascinating science behind this natural reflux.

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