A new way to feed your mind


Brain Dump is a first-of-its-kind digital-only magazine filled with quick-fire questions and answers about the world. This revolutionary monthly app offers a brand new way to consume incredible facts and instantly ramp up your knowledge bank.


The stunning digital edition delivers no-nonsense answers and visuals in an easy-to-digest format that’s accessible to all ages and abilities. The bounty of facts, stats, myths and trivia are all perfectly structured for rapid consumption, enabling you to devour a satisfying wealth of information in seconds, making even the shortest period of downtime an opportunity for IQ expansion.


It’s quick, it’s clear, it’s convenient, and with subscriptions starting at just $0.99 it’s affordable too.

To find out more about this exciting digital magazine, check out Apple Newsstand, or head to the magazine’s official Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BraindumpMag and follow @BrainDumpMag on Twitter.

Download the Brain Dump app now: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/id649429083
Subscribe from only 69p/99c per month.
