As a species, we sometimes live in our own little bubble. Using the resources available to us for a variety of needs, we have caused a significant impact on the planet. Now plans are in place to use our own bubble for the better: to literally live in one.
To sustain our population while helping to prevent damage to the world, we could soon settle into newly designed cities called ‘arcologies’. Many different habitat variations are being worked on, with most of them including natural, alternative ways to sustainably source enough energy for those who live there.
Arcology is a futuristic initiative that aims to condense settlements into self-sustained cities that limit human impact on the environment. The name and idea came from Paolo Soleri in 1969, who decided to merge concepts of architecture with ecology. His proposal focused on providing for the essential needs of our population in an environmentally friendly design. Current architecture means today’s cities and towns are dominated by low-rise buildings and car-dependant travel. In Soleri’s alternative, giant structures would be built for the most efficient use of space. The majority of arcology designs showcase high-rise constructs that accommodate thousands of people.
But how will these gigantic habitats reduce our impact on the planet? Being densely populated, large amounts of energy would need to be cultivated within a relatively small area. Soleri’s first design included concrete domes, placed to maximise their ability to capture the heat and light energy from the Sun at all times, even when the Sun’s at its lowest in the sky and during the winter. This had the added benefit of creating shade during summer.
One of the drawbacks of having a number of different arcologies is the issue of separation. Before the world commits to these living arrangements, all our basic human needs have to be catered for within these settlements, including the requirement that we can remain connected to the outside world in some way.