Category: News

How does a spacecraft take photos?

Image source: Pixabay Getting an image back to Earth from a probe can be complicated but it’s worth it in the end 1.Using filters First, the spacecraft will snap its visible image – such...

How not to fall for April Fools 2020

Are you tired of waking up on 1 April and being sucked into an April Fools prank, or getting hoodwinked with a vaguely plausible ‘fact’? Then arm yourself with knowledge and trounce those tricksters....

Christmas Gift Guide

Struggling to think of the perfect gift? These six gifts are ideal for all science and tech fans!

The How It Works Collection

Check out the latest editions of our bookazine collection now available How It Works Annual 2019 In the How It Works Annual, you’ll find a myth-busting special where we explore some of the most...