Epic water pistols

Want to beat your friends in the battle of water pistols and water bombs this year? Then you better get yourself one of these!

Behold the gatling gun water pistol.

Water pistol, super soaker, toys, sugru, Alex bygrave

Credit: http://www.sugru.com/water-pistols

More a machine gun than a pistol, the contraption was created by Alex Bygrave using a self-setting silicone rubber known as Sugru. The material is used to bound the various items that make the gun together. These include windscreen wipers, a hose and even a soft drink bottle top!

Costing a hefty £1250, many may think again but with its 10 litre capacity and range of 12 metres (40 feet), wielding it will undoubtedly put you top of the neighbourhood.

Credit: http://www.sugru.com/water-pistols

Credit: http://www.sugru.com/water-pistols




