Glastonbury: in numbers
The first festival was held in 1970 when rock band T.Rex headlined. The entry fee was a princely £1 with a free glass of milk. 1,500 people attended the inaugural year. This weekend the figure is more likely to be a whopping 175,000!
The amount of loo’s on site. That’s a lot of waste!
The size of the festival in miles (13.679km). It is the largest greenfield festival in the world.
The amount of electricity in megawatts that the festival uses over the weekend. This is the same as the city of Bath! The festival is worth a massive £82 million to the world economy too.
At the 2005 festival, 2 months worth of rainfall feel in a matter of hours flooding the camping grounds and arenas. In true Glasto style, the show went on amongst the constant mud sliding and canoeing.