How It Works issue 11 on sale today
Issue 11 comes with a bold and bright laser-beam cover. As you can see, you can’t miss it so grab yours today and get yourself enlightened. We’ve got it all covered this month. For those looking to get their teeth into some meaty subjects, our big features this month include a close-up inspection of the micro monsters living in our homes, a look further afield at the terrestrial exoplanets known as super earths, the massive mining machines rolling around excavation sites, a celebration of 50 years of the laser, and the RNLI’s lifesaving Tamar rescue boat.
Meanwhile, for the more delicate appetites out there, we have a smorgasbord of bite-sized information to sample, including mosquitoes, blood transfusions, shooting stars, four-wheel drive, Pluto, lie detectors, wind tunnels, CPR, private jets, HMS Victory, the Statue of Liberty, weighing planets, singing sand dunes, car immobilisers, ball cocks, hail, blue whales, the Arecibo Observatory, stealth bombers and loads more.
As always, you can keep up to date with what’s going in the magazine, read eye-opening articles and watch incredible videos at How It Works Daily.
So don’t miss out, get your copy of How It Works issue 11, available in all good newsagents and supermarkets. And if you want to enjoy the magazine on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, simply visit the Apple App Store and search for How It Works, then download it for just £1.79. Check it out today!