How It Works issue 24 on sale now!
That’s right! The latest and greatest issue of your favourite magazine is out now. Literally, right this second. There is lots to get excited about too, with the issue packed with features on aerobatics, hovercraft, the Avro Vulcan delta wing bomber, supercell thunderstorms, cloud computing, Earth’s most extreme climates and the human ear. In addition, we have a special ten-page feature dedicated to 20 of the most amazing science experiments you can conduct in your very own home. Throw in an electric bike group test, reviews of the latest gadgets and technology, an interview with Bang Goes The Theory presenter Liz Bonnin and the hottest news stories from around the globe and this is one corker of an issue.
So don’t miss out, get your copy of How It Works issue 24 from all good newsagents and supermarkets. And if you want to enjoy the magazine on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, you can find it here at the Apple App Store and download it for just £1.99. Check it out today!