Sir Trevor McDonald interviews astronauts bound for Mars
It’s November 3rd, 2033, and Sir Trevor McDonald has just recorded an exclusive interview with the Deadalus crew, mere days before they make history with the first manned mission to Mars. Enjoy a sneak peek below:
The world holds its breath as the Deadalus crew prepare to begin one of the most exciting and imporatant exploration events of all time. This ground-breaking mission is the result of years of expert research, billions of dollars of investment and will ultimately shape the future of mankind. But it’s not without considerable risk, and even more, it’s a one way ticket – as the crew will attempt to become the very first colonists on Mars.
What will they miss about Earth? What challenges will they face? What are they most excited about? Sir Trevor McDonald invokes deep and poignant answers to these questions from the bold space pioneers, in a probing and thought-provoking interview.
The full immersive interview is available now at
Sir Trevor McDonald commented: ‘I am truly honoured and privileged to have the world-exclusive interview with the Daedalus crew – this trailblazing space odyssey is one of the most important of our time, mankind’s entire future is at stake and we will be talking about this epic journey for years to come.”
Following a successful landing the colonisation efforts will be documented in depth by National Geographic, providing viewers an opportunity to see the crew establish a base camp and after, begin to assemble a long-term habitat.
The next landing is currently scheduled for 2035, so until that time the 6 members of the international crew will be our first and only representatives on Mars. The exclusive interview offers you a chance to meet 4 of them: mission commander Ben Sawyer, mission pilot Hana Seung, mechanical engineer and roboticist Robert Foucault and exobiologist and geologist Marta Kamen.
Humanity’s first journey to Mars is funded and supported by the Mars Mission Corporation and the International Mars Science Foundation, with coverage by National Geographic.
Watch the full interview here.
The new docu-drama MARS premiered on the 13th November 2016, and will be airing on Sunday’s at 9pm on National Geographic.