Top 5 Facts: The Scouts


Scouting offers over 200 adventurous activities to young people aged 6-25 – from archery and abseiling to parascending and water zorbing. It’s all about making life more fun and building young people’s confidence.

Boys and girls

Did you know that there are 60,000 girls in Scouting – that’s nearly a fifth of the youth membership in the UK.


11 of the 12 people to have walked on the moon were Scouts. Other famous former Scouts include Sir Paul McCartney, Barack Obama and Natasha Kaplinsky. The UK’s Scouting Ambassadors include Chris Evans, Ian Hislop and Lord Coe.


You are rarely more than mile from your nearest Scout Group – and the cost of a whole year’s Scouting is less than the cost of a typical piano or ballet lesson.


All Scout leaders are volunteers – if you would like to join the fun, challenge and adventure of Scouting, click here. And you don’t need to be an expert in knot tying or putting up tents. If you have a little time to give and are up for trying new things, then get in touch. You’ll help 30,000 young people currently on the joining lists enjoy the adventure of Scouting.

Think you know the Scouts? Check out this video and you might just think again…

Adventure News

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