Uncover our planet’s beauty in Book of Incredible Earth

From violent volcanoes to islands overrun by fluffy rabbits, our Earth is a planet of extremes. In How It Works Book of Incredible Earth, we explore the mesmerising wonders of the world around us, as well as the terrifying dangers and natural disasters.

Come with us and learn all about weather wonders, plants and organisms, landscapes, rocks and fossils, and amazing animals. Discover how the world we call home is not a stagnant platform for humans and animals to live on, but a living, moving and constantly evolving entity. Its most beautiful landmarks, such as China’s rainbow mountains and the ominously named Door to Hell, are amongst the numerous examples of nature’s power to create as well as destroy.

If you want to learn more about our world and how to protect it, or want to know the answer to the age old question whether cats or dogs are better (spoiler: it’s dogs), pick up a copy of Incredible Earth today. You can find it in your local shop, on ur Online Shop or you can download it here.


Book of Incredible Earth Book of Incredible Earth