Why do baked beans give you wind?
Blame it on your gut bacteria!
Baked beans are a tasty treat that are high in fibre and therefore good for your digestive system. However, as they make their way through your body, they also produce an unfortunate side effect: flatulence. This bodily function is a result of sugars called oligosaccharides that are contained within the beans. These sugar molecules are too big to be absorbed in our small intestines, and our bodies do not produce the enzyme that can break them down, so they carry on through to the large intestines intact and undigested.
Here, they’re met by our gut bacteria, which have no problem breaking them down into something more manageable. As they do this, they produce gasses including hydrogen and methane, which gradually accumulate in your lower intestine and escape through your rectum as flatulence.
However, if you want to avoid having to blame the noise (and smell) on the dog, then there are some gas-relieving supplements that you can take. These typically contain the enzyme alphagalactosidase, which is capable of breaking down the sugars in the small intestine, before those pesky gas-producing bacteria can get to them.
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