Category: Space

Science secrets of Apollo 11

Incredible feats of ingenuity made the 1969 Moon landing possible – many that you probably never knew about Fifty years ago this July, Apollo 11 carried three astronauts – commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module...

Top Tips: How to observe the moon

What can you see on the lunar surface with the naked eye or a telescope? Throughout human history, the Moon has been a fascinating target of observation. From its more mythical beginnings, we now...

Houston. We’ve had a problem

What happens when spacesuits go wrong? Alexei Leonov, 1965 After leaving the Voskhod 2 spacecraft to perform the first ever spacewalk, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov’s suit began to swell due to the pressure difference. Within...

How to detect black holes

Discover the mysterious world of black holes and the projects trying to capture them Black holes are some of the most impressive and strangest astronomical oddities in existence. But, complex as they are, it...

Top 10: Astronomical Discoveries

The revelations that not only changed the world but challenged the way we see our existence and our place in the universe 1. Gravitational waves The existence of gravitational waves was first predicted in 1916...

What is interferometry?

How this clever technique can create a telescope over half the size of Earth When it comes to telescopes, the bigger the better. A larger primary mirror or objective lens (in optical telescopes) or...

Sleepless on the space station

Sleep is essential for our health, which is why NASA carefully studies each astronaut’s sleeping patterns Many people feel that at the end of a hard day there is nothing better than collapsing onto...

Life WITHOUT the sun

What sort of chaotic consequences would arise if the Sun was to disappear tomorrow? Could humanity survive? Follow this timeline to find out… Eight minutes Plunged into darkness As light travels at a finite...


By around 500 BCE most ancient Greeks believed our planet was round. For a long time before this, it was believed to be flat. It was only when we started to map the trajectory...