A human’s conscious life is largely dictated by the position of the Sun. We have learned to rise with it and sleep shortly after it dips below the horizon. Why do we do this? It’s because our species depends on visible light to navigate through each day. While we are walking to work in the morning sunshine or relaxing in the evening as the light begins to fade, other animals are hidden away in their dens and burrows. They are waiting for darkness to fall. When it does, a new community of creatures comes out to play.
These masters of the night carry adaptations that give them an advantage during the colder and darker hours. If you were to intrude on nocturnal life with the light of a torch, you’d likely see a variety of wide, glossy eyes staring back at you. These big eyes give an advantage to animals by allowing them to utilise every glimmer of light available, to observe the activity of the night.
Some other animals avoid the daytime as the lack of illumination gives them no disadvantage at all. They are blind to light anyway but rely on other, heightened senses. With ways of feeling, smelling and hearing nocturnal homes and neighbours, read on to discover some of these night-navigating superpowers.