How It Works issue 147 is now on sale!

Meet the world’s most advanced combat vessel in this issue of How It Works magazine and see how it’s built, as we explore the Scottish dry dock where the Royal Navy is assembling its first Type-26 Frigate. Also this issue: find out why Antarctica is melting, discover the wonder tech we use every day that came from space, how our ancestors mapped the wold, and could a simple bubble net stop a hurricane in its tracks? Plus: grab posters, wallpapers and 2 How It Works specials worth £25, for free!


How to build a warship  

See inside a Royal Navy dry dock and discover how the world’s most advanced combat vessel is being built 

How space tech benefits Earth  

Discover some of the inventions made for space exploration that we now use everyday

Cells: the body’s building blocks 

What’s inside these microscopic components that make up everything inside you? 

How our ancestors mapped the world 

Discover the ancient techniques that cartographers used to chart the world around them

Landing a plane  

How pilots get several hundred tonnes of aircraft safely back to the ground  

Bush medicine 

The amazing natural remedies of the Australian Outback 

Secrest of the Synchrotron

Why this UK laboratory accelerate electrons to nearly the speed of light   

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