How It Works Issue 15 On Sale Now
Issue 15 has everything discerning science buffs and thrillseekers could wish for. Whether you’re looking for information to feed back to your inquisitive family members when they demand to know how this new-fangled motion-controlled gaming works, or if you’ve always been keen to learn how stunt men make the seemingly impossible possible, this is an issue not to be missed.
So what’s in store this month? In addition to our excellent main features – mega tsunamis, the science of stunts, mapping the night sky, next-gen battleships and motion-controlled gaming – you can also choose from a mammoth collection of articles to stimulate and inspire your minds. Issue 15 includes auto tuning, dragsters, crocodiles, spacesuit visors, catalytic converters, the carbon cycle, Apple TV 2, concrete mixers, digital vs optical zooms, homing pigeons, water slides, Christmas crackers, mercury (the element) and Mercury (the spacecraft), breathing on the ISS, stellar quakes, clocks mechanisms, the Model T Ford and much more besides. So remember, when you’re dashing around the shops, shopping for other people this December, get yourself a treat and pop a copy of How It Works in your trolley.
So don’t miss out, get your copy of How It Works issue 15, available in all good newsagents and supermarkets. And if you want to enjoy the magazine on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, simply visit the Apple App Store and search for How It Works, then download it for just £1.79. Check it out today!