How It Works issue 22 on sale now
Welcome to issue 22 in which we have busted 100 science myths wide open. Ever wondered if a chicken can survive without its head, does peeing on a jellyfish really sting take the pain away, does toast always land butter side down, does coffee sober you up? These are just a few of the popular misconceptions we’ve debunked for you this issue. You’ll be amazed.
Among the many other fab features this month are articles about how life can survive on Antarctica, the planet’s coldest continent. We also take a look around today’s modern airports and ask how the Airbus A380 delivers us safely to our holiday destination (features a fantastic cutaway view inside the aircraft). Next up, discover how planet Earth is being observed in remarkable detail from space.
So don’t miss out, get your copy of How It Works issue 22, available in all good newsagents and supermarkets. And if you want to enjoy the magazine on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, simply visit the Apple App Store and search for How It Works, then download it for just £1.79. Check it out today!