How It Works issue 3 on sale today!
Happy new year from all at How It Works, we’re looking forward to a year packed with factual goodness to satisfy the hungriest of minds
How It Works moves from strength to strength as first issues have sold fantastically across the board. With a record uptake for subscriptions after just two issues, as well as a growing staff of editorial experts, How It Works magazine looks set for a bright future.
With issue three of the magazine on sale from 31 December, this amazing new title from Imagine Publishing, dedicated to explaining all things science and technology, is continuing with its penchant for accessible, entertaining articles packed with fact and opinion. So, if you ever wondered how holograms are produced, or how a nuclear reactor works, or even how astronauts are trained, then look no further than How It Works.
Here are a few sample highlights from issue three:
Electric supercars Thought that electric cars were slow, un-sexy beige boxes on wheels? Think again! How It Works blows open the world of high-performance electric cars with an in-depth look at the Tesla Roadster, Shelby Aero EV and eWolf e2 among others.
The International Space Station Ever wondered what it would be like to live in space? Well wonder no more as How It Works explores all parts of life on board the ISS. From how the ISS was built to how astronauts create water on board, this feature has it all.
The Great Wall of China No, it can’t be seen from space, but it can be seen in How It Works. We explore how, when and where this great wonder of the world was built, bringing you all the amazing facts.
How sharks survive Made famous in the movie Jaws, many portray sharks as mindless killers. However, there is a lot more to these three-dimensional beasts than meets the eye and How It Works brings you the scoop.
eBooks A new fad that will pass in time, or the next stage in the evolution of reading? Whatever your opinion, How It Works cracks open the technology behind eBooks . From where to buy to component lists to a head-to-head face-off between brands, this feature contains everything you need to know.
Issue three of How It Works is on sale 31 December and can be picked up at all major supermarkets, WHSmiths, newsagents and Barnes & Noble.