How was New York’s ‘Flatiron Building’ built?

Image by chowbins from Pixabay

Question from Zainab Afra

Originally the Fuller Building, the iconic Flatiron Building in New York was built in 1902, having been designed by architect Daniel Burnham. Although it isn’t overly tall, standing at a mere 22 storeys, the wedge-shape of this unusual building has ensured that it is one of the most photographed structures in the city.

Constructed to fit into a triangular piece of land between Fifth Avenue and Broadway, The Flatiron was built directly onto the street, under a steel frame, rather than on a typical block base. This gave it the look of a fragile, freestanding tower, clad in limestone and terra-cotta.

Answered by Jo Elphick for Brain Dump in How It Works issue 137.

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