What was the smartest species of dinosaur?

Palaeontologists believe that the troodonatinae family- bird -like theropod dinosaurs- was one of the most intelligent. This is based on finds from the trodden genus, which have revealed that the species had an incredibly large brain-to-mass differential, with the dinosaur’s cerebrum-to-brain-volume ratio sitting at 31.5 per cent to 63 per cent on the non-avian side. This, along with the dinosaur’s relatively small size (2.4m long) and broad fossil distribution suggest that for its size it had a very large brain and adapted to conditions with ease.

Yes it looks more 'Chickenosarous' than Tyrannosaurus' but this is the most intelligent dino of them all!

Yes it looks more ‘Chickenosarous’ than Tyrannosaurus’ but this is the most intelligent dino of them all