How It Works Annual on sale today – 260 pages of amazing articles that explain how things work
With the festive season just around the corner – yes, that’s right it’s just 79 sleeps till Christmas – there’ll soon be a chaotic scramble at the shops as people scurry around looking for three-for-two on pointless gifts while trampling small children to get to the last copy of Rock Band.
However, you clever people can avoid all that rigmarole by visiting the Imagine eShop – or your nearest good supermarket – where you’ll find the How It Works Annual on sale for just £9.99. This is the perfect gift for the knowledge-hungry members of your family or those close friends with a love of science and the natural world. And for all those How It Works fans who came late to the party and missed out on our now-hard-to-come-by early editions, you can enjoy the highlights from the out-of-stock issues 1-6 for yourselves. It’s been a long year; you deserve it!
This beautiful compilation of all the most attractive and informative features and articles from the last year is not to be missed so we suggest you head on over to the eShop and get Christmas sorted without the hassle this year – before they sell out.