How It Works issue 32 on sale now!
Learn everything you never knew you needed to know about the topic of extinction, a subject that goes back millions of years and yet still has massive implications today.
Counterfeit money
Discover the creative measures put in place to prevent crooks making cash forgeries.
Future fighter jets
We take to the skies to bring you the lowdown on the most advanced multirole strike aircraft in the world.
How do the photoreceptive cells at the back of the eye create the pictures that we see?
How does Earth spin?
Don’t get dizzy as you take in this article on planet rotation and how the Earth spins on its axis.
On the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the most famous passenger ship in history, discover the science of how it sank.
How It Works issue 32 is on sale in supermarkets, WHSmiths, Barnes & Noble, all good newsagents and the Imagine Shop.