New science book for kids from the makers of How It Works
From electricity and atoms to blood and fossils, the How It World Book of Junior Science aims to make science fun and easy to understand for children of all ages. Whether you want to compliment their learning, get them interested in the world around them or give them a head start at school, this book aims to help your child gain the knowledge to help them excel. With sections covering amazing animals, planet Earth, the human body and science in action, there’s a wealth of information on offer, covering physics, chemistry and biology.
Helen Laidlaw, Editor of How It Works magazine, said; “Our child-friendly Book of Junior Science is dedicated to helping early learners enjoy and understand the world of science around us. It’s the perfect foundation for those want to get a grasp on these fascinating subjects, and expand their minds. It’s also a fantastic tool to help them with the topics they’ll be learning at school.”
The How It Works Book of Junior Science is on sale now priced £9.99 from the Imagine Shop and all good newsagents.