Category: History

The Great Minds of Ancient Greece

Meet some of the most prominent thinkers in all of ancient Greece Hippocrates Hippocrates was one of the first to observe the effect diseases had on the body. He separated medicine from religion, and...

How to win a duel

When honour was at stake, a gentleman’s only option was to cross swords For centuries, settling a dispute through armed combat was not only customary, it was a highly respected ritual reserved for the...

When were pubs invented?

Discover how foreign conquerors helped shape a British institution (Image source: Pixabay) When the Romans invaded Britain in 43 CE, they brought with them all the trappings of civilised living: walled cities, literacy, sanitation...

British science heroes: Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Though not always successful, Brunel’s designs revolutionised transport, and he is now remembered as one of the greatest engineers of all time While an era of progress, the Industrial Revolution was also a time...

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure on Earth Contrary to popular belief you cannot actually see the Great Wall of China from the moon. According to scientists, trying to view...